
20 thousand original audio & video files

yechte has been awarded thousands of hours of audio & video transcription contract work

The audio / video digital treatment

yechte has been appointed for the transcription of thousands of audio and video files

Were we not busy enough?

We are extremely excited and happy to announce that we have been appointed for a transcription contract worth more than 20.000 audio files & 500 hours of unique video content.

Working with a global organisation for the spiritual unfoldment active across the UK, the US, Belgium, Canada, Scandinavia, Spain and Ireland, we have been selected as partner for the translation and transcription of thousands of hours of self-teaching content. This work opens a new avenue for us, and will challenge us to venture into a totally virgin territory. We aim to leverage our infotech expertise for the execution of a stellar delivery. The project is to start in June and will extend till the month of September. 

The brief

A multi-lingual translation and transcription of thousands of hours worth of unique material and videos:

  • Digital restoration of audio and video content

  • English transcription of more than 20.000 never-transcripted-before audio files (+15.000 hours)

  • English transcription of more than 500 never-transcripted-before digital videos (+500 hours)

  • Cloud-based archiving and digital management of content (Unique Taxonomy, Digital Signature, Meta-data)

  • Global diffusion of digital content across multiple digital channels (Document Management System, Digital Marketing)

Digital Workplace and a Supportive Culture
How companies can adapt and evolve as digital technology develops